A written accord has existed between the Principality of Liechtenstein and Switzerland since November 2016 concerning the promotion of knowledge-based innovation. This agreement provides Liechtenstein companies with unrestricted access to research facilities in Liechtenstein or in Switzerland to launch projects within the framework of Innosuisse. These are overseen by Innosuisse experts, insofar as they meet the support criteria.

Innosuisse was founded on 1 January 2018 as the successor organisation to the Commission for Technology and Innovation (Kommission für Technologie und Innovation – “KTI”). It targets and supports applied research and development as well as the nurturing of young companies and the transfer of knowledge and technology between universities and companies.

Innosuisse projects aim to “turn knowledge into money”. Innovations, including those of a non-technical nature, that generate a direct economic benefit are promoted. A broad spectrum exists, from feasibility studies for a few thousand Swiss francs to major projects. In this conjunction, the entire costs of the respective research institutions involved in the project are supported.

You may submit applications as follows