Tinned goods are an excellent way of storing food, especially during times of crisis. In the past year, Hilcona produced around 29 million cans of vegetables. For these, the company exclusively used fresh produce from Liechtenstein and Switzerland.

Tins of vegetables have proven to be “hugely popular” during the coronavirus pandemic, Hilcona writes in a press release, according to which the Schaan-based firm is “the only manufacturer of tinned vegetables in Switzerland and Liechtenstein”. Last year, Hilcona produced around 29 million cans of vegetables.
In so doing, Hilcona “exclusively processed vegetables of Liechtenstein or Swiss origin”, the company explained further in the press release. The cans of peas, beans, carrots, beets, potatoes and red cabbage, all freshly sourced from the local region, are preserved by heating before being packed in tin cans. Hilcona offers six different sizes, from a quarter liter can right up to a three liter can.
Tinned goods boast a range of advantages over other forms of storage, the press release states. For example, no preservatives are used in tinned goods, while they also offer a long shelf life and excellent convenience. In contrast to glass, sheet metal is also non-breakable and opaque. Andreas Messerli from Hilcon Agrar AG is quoted in the press release, explaining that tinned goods have something to offer at all times, and not only during crises.
Tinned vegetables also offer ecological benefits, Hilcona writes, with produce of this kind not requiring refrigeration. The tins can also be recycled in full. Hilcona has additionally been using more lightweight tin cans since 2017. This switch has seen the company cut production-based CO2 emissions by 12 percent, according to the press release.

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