EU and EFTA energy ministers discussed upcoming challenges for the European energy market in Prague. To overcome these, they will look to cooperate closely. Liechtenstein was represented by Deputy Prime Minister Sabine Monauni.

European Union (EU) energy ministers discussed the challenges presented by the war in Ukraine and the upcoming winter for the European gas and electricity markets at an informal meeting on October 12 in Prague alongside their counterparts from countries in the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova as well as several states in the West Balkans, further details of which can be found in a press release issued by the Government of the Principality of Liechtenstein. Moreover, representatives from EU institutions and international energy organizations were also invited to attend the conference. Sabine Monauni, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Home Affairs, Economy and Environment, represented Liechtenstein at the summit.

“The European electricity and gas market is tightly interconnected and there is a high level of mutual dependency between the countries”, the press release states. At the conference, the participants therefore expressed their desire for close cooperation, with potential reforms and improvements to the European gas and electricity market also discussed. In addition, the representatives exchanged ideas about individual and joint preparations for the winter ahead.

Informal summits such as that hosted by Prague on October 12 facilitate direct, uncomplicated communications between participants, the press release explains. For Liechtenstein, “as a country right at heart of Europe”, this kind of open exchange is “highly valuable”, according to Deputy Prime Minister Monauni.

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